Use of Waste Heat to Produce Potable Water
This invention introduces an advanced energy-efficient membrane bioreactor-membrane distillation (MBR-MD) system designed to change wastewater treatment and reuse. By combining biological treatment with membrane distillation, this technology guarantees high-quality water reuse while significantly cutting energy use. Unlike conventional systems that...
Published: 12/6/2024
Inventor(s): Andrea Achilli, Amy Childress, Sage Hiibel, Eric Marchand
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Air/Water Purification, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water
“Aquabot” - Marine Drones/Bots - Device, Method and System
This invention is a range of aquatic vessels designed as “drones” or “bots” capable of individual or collective action for water monitoring, collection of materials, or discharge of contents. As a system, these devices may be operated in an unmanned autonomous fashion or via remote control, or a hybrid of the two. Drones may...
Published: 8/15/2024
Inventor(s): Marvin Slepian, Frederick Stocker
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Devices & Instrumentation, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water
Recovery and Separation of Metals from Aqueous Sources Utilizing Glycolipid Modified Hydrogels and Resins
This invention describes a methodology for using glycolipid-modified, reusable hydrogels to recover, concentrate, and separate toxic metals from aqueous solutions.
Heavy and toxic metal contamination poses a significant risk to human and environmental health in many commercial and environmental settings. Many commercial endeavors in fields...
Published: 5/1/2024
Inventor(s): Douglas Loy, David Hogan, Raina Maier, Alicja Babst-Kostecka, SusanKaye Perez, Chett Boxley, Ryan Stolley
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water
Engineered Sorbents and Process for Selective Removal of Perfluorinated Organics Species from Water
This technology represents a new chemical process for selective removal of greater than 90% of the perfluorinated organics (PFAS) from contaminated water per pass through a sorption stage. The separation media comprises a selective surface modifier, with tunable properties, incorporated on an inexpensive material, which may be a cellulose sponge, fiber,...
Published: 6/20/2024
Inventor(s): Vasiliki Karanikola, Neal Armstrong, Jack Welchert
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Air/Water Purification, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water
Independent Household Water Purification and Electrification System Optimizing Design Software
This technology is a standalone solution that provides water purification and solar power generation to individual households in remote areas or areas with no power grid. The physical purification and power equipment is designed with software that enables the equipment to be tailored and optimized for the location it is deployed.
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Abolhassan Mohammadi Fathabad
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Air/Water Purification, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy > Solar/Photovoltaic, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Water Resource Efficiency
Plastic Pollution Cleanup in the Ocean
This invention is a specially designed hydrocyclone, a type of cyclonic separator, that is meant to separate plastics from water. It is designed in such a way that it can filter plastics smaller than 5mm in size while returning nutrients, like plankton, back to the ocean.
Every year up to 8,00,000 metric tons of plastic enters our planet's...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Moe Momayez
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Air/Water Purification, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water
Variable Solvent Polarity Chromatography
In this invention, an external stimulus is applied to the stationary phase of liquid chromatography to alter the polarity of the solvent during a separation process. This capability enables improved separations with more efficient use of mobile phase. The chromatographic separation method can be designed with flexible equipment and machine learning....
Published: 3/12/2024
Inventor(s): Hamish Christie
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Air/Water Purification, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy > Biofuels, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Industrial & Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Materials > Processing, Technology Classifications > Materials > Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Materials > Biomaterials
Remediation of 3-Nitro-1,2,4-Triazol-5-One (NTO Explosives) in Water
This technology is a pretreatment step that will aid in the degradation of aromatic compounds with nitro substituents (explosives, TNT, plasticizers, dinitroluene). It involves the injection of an inexpensive reducing agent that results in reduction of one or more of the contaminant’s nitro groups to amines rendering the contaminant more susceptible...
Published: 10/30/2024
Inventor(s): James Field, Jonathan Chorover, Maria Sierra Alvarez
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Remediation > Water