A Method for the Practical Implementation of Scalable Quantum-Like Gates using Logical Phi-Bits

Case ID:

This technology is a breakthrough in the development of acoustic-based (phi-bit based) quantum-analogue computing platform by enabling the design of scalable unitary operations (gates) that do not need to be decomposed into circuits of elementary gates. This should lead to quantum-like information processing approaches that are more effective than those implemented on current quantum computing platforms. 

Expanding on this innovation, the introduction of acoustic-based mechanisms brings a unique blend of the precision of quantum computing with the adaptability and robustness of classical systems. Harnessing the capabilities of phi-bits, the technology bypasses the traditional complexities and offers a more streamlined and efficient mode of computation.

Quantum-like gates are quantum logic gates that are fundamental components of quantum computers. For example, they can be used to create entangled states and similarly disentangled states. Traditional quantum computing often requires expensive equipment that suffer from scalability challenges. However, other, newer types of quantum computing, such as the use of photons (particles of light) or phonons (pseudo-particles of sound) show promise in building reliable, scalable quantum computers.

The pursuit of alternative quantum computing methods has been driven by the innate challenges posed by conventional quantum systems. The inherent fragility of these systems and the vast resources required for their maintenance have prompted the exploration of alternatives like phonons and photons, which, while quantum in nature, provide more stability and ease of control.


  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum-like computing
  • Entanglement


  • Predictable
  • Unambiguously measurable
  • Scalable
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Scott Zentack
Licensing Manager, College of Engr
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Pierre Deymier
Keith Runge