This invention has been developed to enhance encoding methods for information transmission and to reduce crosstalk in LiDAR applications by utilizing polarized light. Instead of using binary encoding methods such as frequency resolved optical gating and on-off keying, this invention encodes vital information into the polarization state of the light pulse. This new approach decreases measurement error by generating a key code that uniquely identifies a transmitter and receiver pair. The invention also leverages the diattenuation and retardance of birefringent objects to modify the polarization state of the reflected light pulse. To distinguish these changes, the transmitted light pulse can be duplicated or sent in triplicate pairs, and the modifications in the polarization state can be detected by the receiver.
Conventional LiDAR devices rely on the reflectance of the object, and objects with high absorption and light scattering tend to reflect less light back to the receiver. This innovative approach improves on this limitation by considering the diattenuation and retardance of birefringent objects, which can alter the polarization state of the light pulse. By using polarized light and encoding key information into the polarization state of the light pulse, the signal to noise ratio can be improved, and crosstalk can be minimized.
- Autonomous driving
- Robotics
- Telecommunications
- Airborne LiDAR
- Increased accuracy
- Reduced crosstalk
- Enhanced security
- Improved data transmission speed