Search Results - weigang+wang

19 Results Sort By:
Organophotocatalytic Selective Deuteration of Metabolically Labile Heteroatom Adjacent C-H Bonds via H/D Exchange with D2O
This technology presents an organophotocatalytic method for selective deuteration of metabolically labile α-positions in amides, amines, and secondary alcohols. This approach achieves high regioselectivity and deuterium incorporation by masking secondary amines as carbamates and employing a photoredox-HAT (hydrogen atom transfer) process. This...
Published: 12/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics
C41 Analogs
This invention generally relates to neurodegenerative diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, characterized with dysfunctional energetic function, unregulated microglia phagocytic activity and other related de-regulated biological functions. This invention further relates to methods and compositions for treating such neurodegenerative...
Published: 12/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wang, Rui Chang, Vijayan Ramachandran, Patrick Ronaldson
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Neurology, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Nutraceuticals, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Biologics
Applications of Deuterated Aldehydes and Isonitriles
This innovation is a novel method of synthesizing calcium channel blockers, with applications to extend the half-life of heart disease medications. This can be used as building blocks to create new pharmaceuticals or potentially used to expand the lifespan of current medications. It has applications to site specific calcium-channel blocking that can...
Published: 6/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Hulme, Wei Wang, Kevin Schofield, Yueteng Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Heart and Vascular
New Deuterated Amino Acid Derivatives
Compositions and methods of making involve the use of alternative acids as reactants instead of carboxylic acids, which produce deuterated amino acids, while carboxylic acids can only synthesize alkyl amino acids. Introducing deuterium to amino acids and derivatives improves biologically active compounds and therapeutics. Modification improves properties...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wang, Yue Dong
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Materials > Biomaterials, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences
Bioorthogonal Activation of PROTAC Prodrugs
Utilizing proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) to degrade proteins that are important for tumorigenesis has become a potential therapeutic strategy for cancer. This innovation is an on-demand prodrug strategy called click-release proteolysis targeting chimeras, or “crPROTACs.” The crPROTACs strategy utilizes bioorthogonal chemistry and...
Published: 1/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wang, Mengyang Chang, Giri Gnawali
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Small Molecules
A Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial that Synergizes with Copper
University of Arizona researchers have developed an invention that synergizes with copper to kill and prevent further growth of a broad spectrum of pathogens (i.e both Streptococcus pneumoniae and Valley Fever with the potential to work on other pathogens). This therapy does not allow for resistance to be built by the microbes. Published paper with...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Johnson, Joseph Alvin, Angela Rivera, Wei Wang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics
Practical Synthesis of C-1 Deuterated 3‑Formylindoles by Organo-photoredox Catalyzed Direct Formylation of Indoles with Deuterated Glyoxylic Acid
This innovation is the synthesis of a Carbon-based indole that can be used in the creation of anti-cancer drugs. Indoles are reagents that can also be used in oncological and renal disease treatment. The new method provides a simple protocol that creates differentiated indoles that have a broad functional tolerance. This uses a more cost-effective agent...
Published: 11/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Materials, Technology Classifications > Materials > Chemicals
A Small Molecule Kinase Inhibitor that Regulates RNA Degradation and Inhibits Tumor Growth and Invasion
This invention describes a novel potential therapeutic for several cancers that inhibits tumor growth and invasion by regulating RNA degradation. Background: There have long been attempts to find new cellular mechanisms that can be targeted for a wide range of cancers without the notable and significant toxic effects of existing therapies like chemotherapy...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Kraft, Koichi Okumura, Wei Wang, Giri Gnawali
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios
Innovative Approaches to Optimize the Therapeutic Benefits of Autophagy Inhibition
This technology consists of novel, soluble compounds that are to be used to inhibit autophagy that can lead to pathogenesis of many different diseases and health conditions. Background: Autophagy is the process that regulates the degradation of overabundant malfunctioning cellular components. Autophagy is vital for maintaining cell renewal processes;...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Carew, Steffan Nawrocki, Wei Wang
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Small Molecules
Combinations for the Treatment of Neurodegeneration
Researchers at the University of Arizona have researched new formulations and combinations of compounds for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Developing a novel computational system allowed the inventors to identify several therapeutic targets of single cell type and whole bulk tissue that contribute to Alzheimer's disease. These therapeutic...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Rui Chang, Patrick Ronaldson, Wei Wang, Vijayan Ramachandran, Yanyun Liu, Qianying He
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences
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