Composite Filament for 3D Printing of Resorbable Bone Scaffolds
This innovation is composite filaments for 3D printing bioresorbable scaffolds for surgical implantation. These filaments typically have high strength, an appropriate resorption rate, and high biocompatibility. The resulting scaffolds offer customizable shapes and resorption rates.
The improvement in this innovation compromises a bone volume fraction...
Published: 1/16/2025
Inventor(s): John Szivek, Luis Arciniaga, Douglas Loy, David Margolis
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Materials
Battery-Free Wireless Epidermal Sensor Networks for Continuous and High-Fidelity Systolic Blood Pressure Monitoring
This invention is a wireless, battery-free system of epidermal sensors designed for continuous and high fidelity monitoring of physiological signals, such as blood pressure. The system eliminates the need for batteries by using a smartphone to wirelessly deliver power to the sensors and collect biosignals. The sensors are designed to function seamlessly...
Published: 12/17/2024
Inventor(s): Philipp Gutruf, Kevin Kasper, Selman Kurt, S. Y. John Ho
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Devices & Instrumentation, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Wireless, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Respiratory & Pulmonary, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls
Damage Localization in Plate Structures using the Geometric Phase of Acoustic Waves
This technology is a novel non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) method designed to locate defects and damages in plate structures. While traditional defect localization techniques analyze velocity differences or amplitude ratio, this technology’s topological acoustic approach analyzes changes in the geometric phase of acoustic waves...
Published: 12/16/2024
Inventor(s): Tribikram Kundu, Pierre Deymier, Keith Runge, Guangdong Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls
Joint Space Quantification of Multiple Carpal Bones of Wrist-based on 3D Imaging
This technology is a software that is able to calculate the distance between joints among the carpal bones using 3D imaging, such as CT scan or MRI. Traditional joint space distance is calculated in a single joint for example the knee in 2D or 3D. The wrist has 8 carpal bones and forms many joints, and it is novel to quantify the joint space among these...
Published: 3/14/2024
Inventor(s): Zong-Ming Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology
Wide Area Spectralelectrochemical Measurement of Thin Film Semiconductors for Electronic Band Structure Analysis
This invention is a rapid, nondestructive detection method for properties of semiconductor stacks (including perovskite stacks for use in photovoltaics) which can be used at speeds and scales relevant for manufacturing to check product quality. This invention could reduce/remove barriers for manufacturing scale-up and production of high quality robust...
Published: 12/16/2024
Inventor(s): Erin Ratcliff, Michel De Keersmaecker, Neal Armstrong
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy > Solar/Photovoltaic, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Semiconductors, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Sensors and Detection > Inspection, Technology Classifications > Materials > Processing, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls
Neonatal Anorectal Tonometer with Disposable/Detachable Tip
This technology is a neonatal anorectal tonometer that involves a detachable, fluid-filled tip with a quick release system involving (magnet & plate) that connects the tip to a force sensor inside the handle of the device. This device can be used as a substitute for digital rectal exams.
Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) occurs when the Cauda...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Eniko Enikov
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Emergency Medicine, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Neurology > CNS & Neurosciences, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls > Motion & Force
Hybrid Pyramid-Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor
This invention describes a novel design for a wavefront sensor that provides high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and linearity.
Wavefront sensors are at the forefront of adaptive optics, a field that has seen massive interest and growth, and continues to have incredible potential. An essential element of any adaptive optics system...
Published: 4/3/2023
Inventor(s): Michael Hart, Charlotte Guthery
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Sensors and Detection
Flight Duration Enhancement for Single Rotorcraft and Multicopters
This invention is an optimization methodology for key dimensions of rotorcraft shroud, nozzle, cover, and turbine designs as well as specific optimized designs that will result in prolonged flight time, reduced damage to the rotorcraft from ground effects, enhanced safety, and reduced noise. The invention seeks to alleviate the shortcoming of the short...
Published: 9/27/2024
Inventor(s): Wolfgang Fink
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aerospace Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Transportation & Automotive > Propulsion & Powertrain, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls
"Stick and Peel" Probe Properties of Perovskite Material Properties for Manufacturing Scale-Up and Quality Control
A “stick and peel” removable electrochemical probe is used for solvent-free characterization of semiconductor films or optoelectronic devices. The invention may be used to analyze electronic materials such as a metal halide perovskite, an organic semiconductor, a nanocrystalline (quantum dot) thin film, metal oxides, a material blend or...
Published: 3/12/2024
Inventor(s): Michel De Keersmaecker, Erin Ratcliff, Neal Armstrong
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Energy Collection, Storage & Battery, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Fuel Cells, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Low Carbon, Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental > Renewable Energy > Solar/Photovoltaic, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > MEMS & Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Semiconductors, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Materials & Fabrication, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Sensors and Detection, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Sensors and Detection > Inspection, Technology Classifications > Materials > Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Materials > Nanomaterials, Technology Classifications > Materials > Processing, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls
Differential Target Antenna Coupling (DTAC) Method for Subsurface Analyses
Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed an electromagnetic geophysical system that has significantly improved subsurface target sensing and imaging capabilities compared to conventional subsurface measurement systems such as ground penetrating radar. The Differential Target Antenna Coupling (DTAC) method in a vertical array provides...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Ben Sternberg, Steven Dvorak
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aerospace Engineering