Method for On-Chip Squeezed and Entangled Light Generation
Quantum entanglement is as follows: entangled photons for transferring information between two nodes, in which the receiver holds half of the entangled photons while the sender holds the other half. Thus, communication and sensing are made possible by manipulation of these photons and/or observation of the changes of these photons.
This invention...
Published: 12/16/2024
Inventor(s): Zheshen Zhang, Shuai Liu, Bo-Han Wu
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Electronics > Computer Hardware, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Electronics > Mixed Signal Processing
Method for 3D Nonlinear Structured Illumination Super-resolution Imaging
Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed a super-resolution microscopy method that is faster, easier to use, and has less artifacts than current super-resolution methods. The result is a 3D dual-color stimulated emission depletion (STED) nonlinear structured illumination (NL-SIM) microscope. Using a combination of low coherent light and...
Published: 4/3/2023
Inventor(s): Leilei Peng, Yu Li, Han Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Polarimetry
Quantum-Enhanced Gyroscopes
This technology is a new type of laser gyroscope that makes use of concepts of quantum squeezing and quantum entanglement to offer improved sensitivity over existing laser gyroscopes.
Laser gyroscopes use laser interferometry to measure changes in their rotation or orientation. They use no (or few) moving parts, unlike traditional mechanical...
Published: 4/3/2023
Inventor(s): Zheshen Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aerospace Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Photonics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Lasers & Other Sources, Technology Classifications > Sensors & Controls > Motion & Force, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Quantum
Reconfigurable Entanglement-Enhanced Microwave Photonic Sensors for Navigation, Imaging, and Communications
This technology uses multipartite entanglement to enhance the sensitivity of microwave photonic sensors. These photonic sensors are comprised of electro-optic modulators that convert the microwave signal into an electric field displacement at a sideband frequency. Measurements that are made by the sensor nodes use this multipartite entanglement to improve...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Zheshen Zhang, Quntao Zhuang, William Clark
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Wireless, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Optical, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Photonics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Telecommunications
General Recipe for Designing Quantum Optimum Receiver Architectures Using Machine Learning
This technology is a general recipe for seeking quantum optimum receivers. The recipe utilizes machine-learning techniques to automatically generate the quantum optimum receiver architecture beyond reach of human design.
Communication systems include sources, channels and receivers. The receiver distinguishes the difference between each...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Zheshen Zhang, Chaohan Cui, Quntao Zhuang, William Horrocks
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Antenna, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Optical, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > RFID, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Wireless
Quantum Computing Architecture based on Large Scale Multidimensional Continuous-Variable Cluster States in a Scalable Photonic Platform
This technology is a one-way quantum computing architecture that is based on programmable large-scale continuous variables states. The technology is based on two distinct fields: Kerr microcombs and continuous-variable quantum information. This architecture is able to accommodate hundreds of simultaneously addressable entangled optical modes multiplexed...
Published: 8/1/2024
Inventor(s): Zheshen Zhang, Bo-Han Wu, Rafael Alexander, Shuai Liu
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Electronics > Computer Hardware
Entanglement-Enhanced Machine Learning
This invention is a method using quantum entanglement to increase the performance of machine learning. Here, supervised learning is enhanced by an entangled sensor network. This method allows for supervised learning tasks at the physical layer where a quantum advantage is achieved. The entanglement is shared by different sensors which boost the performance...
Published: 9/27/2024
Inventor(s): Quntao Zhuang, Zheshen Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking > Wireless, Technology Classifications > Engineering & Physical Sciences > Communications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Telecommunications